Witchblade is an anime series based on the American comic book by the same name. Instead of an adaptation of the original story, the producers decided to create an entire…
Beavis and Butt-head
Beavis and Butt-head are high school students whose lifestyles revolve around TV, junk food (usually nachos), shopping malls, heavy metal music, and trying to “score with chicks”. Each show contains…
Trigger Warning with Killer Mike
In this funny and provocative series, rapper and activists Killer Mike puts his revolutionary ideas about achieving social change into action.
All the Queen’s Men
Marilyn “Madam” DeVille is at the top of her game in the Atlanta nightclub industry, and she won’t let anyone or anything stand her in way as she rules a…
Fall River
In 1979, three young women were killed in a streak of brutal murders in Fall River, MA, allegedly by a satanic cult practicing human sacrifice. Twenty years later, new evidence…
Southern at Heart
A Football Life
A Football Life is a documentary series developed by NFL Films and aired on NFL Network that documents the lives of select National Football League players, coaches, owners, and teams….