Upstanding community leader Nils has just won an award for “Citizen of the Year” when he learns the news that his son has died of a heroin overdose. Suspecting foul play, Nils begins to investigate, and soon finds himself at the center of an escalating underworld gang war between Serbian drug dealers and a sociopathic criminal mastermind known only as “The Count.”
Keywords:Amaterji Az eltűnés sorrendjében Be tartib-e khorooj az sahne Einer nach dem anderen En iskall jävel Faithingu dadhi: Ikari no josetsu sha Fi orf al-ekhtefa In Order of Disappearance In ordine di sparizione În ordinea disparitiei Kadumise järjekorras Kraftidioten Lumiauramies O Cidadão do Ano Obywatel roku Po redu nestajanja Por orden de desaparición Power freaks Refroidis The Prize Idiot Uno tras otro Με σειρά εξαφάνισης Дурацкое дело нехитрое