An Unfinished Life
Stoic and heartbroken, Einar Gilkyson quietly lives in the rugged Wyoming ranchlands alongside his only trusted friend, Mitch Bradley. Then, suddenly, the woman he blames for the death of his only son arrives at his door broke, desperate, and with a granddaughter he’s never known. But even as buried anger and accusations resurface, the way is opened for unexpected connection, adventure, and forgiveness.
Keywords:Agefyrotes sheseis Befejezetlen élet Dos destinos Ein ungezähmtes Leben En dag i livet En ny dag i livet Il vento del perdono Kesken jäänyt elämä Lõpetamata elu Nebaigtas gyvenimas Nedokoncano zivljenje Niedokonczone zycie U sjeni proslosti Um Lugar Para Recomeçar Uma Vida Inacabada Un alt început Un amor Una vida por delante Une vie inachevée Unfinish Life Yeniden Baslamak Zít po svém Zit po svojom Незаконченная жизнь Неизживян живот